that they felt existed in the home. Well, we told the children and it did help things in the house. I no longer had to hide when I wanted to dress. I have to say here that with my two daughters it didn't seem to bother them but the boys were different. They didn't take to it at first. Now some two years later things have improved a great deal. The child- ren know now that regardless of what I may have on I am still their dad. I still have as much if not more of their respect than I had before we told them about my TV life. The children have met some of our TV friends and they like meeting and talking to them and they don't feel that they are any different than our non-TV friends.
We have taken a priest of our parish into our confidence and have become very good friends. We have expressed to him our desire to help other TV couples to reach the understanding that we have. has told us that if he can be of any assistance he would be happy to. Today as I said, my wife and I are very happy and our children do not think any the less of their father for my being a TV. In fact if anything it has made us closer as a family.
Not realizing that the very qualities that at- tracted me to my future husband were actually TV- tendencies, we were married some 15 years ago. I'11 never forget how worried I was when he told me one night before we were married that he had something very important to tell me about himself. I was SO much in love with him that all I could think of was "maybe he is already married". When he finally told me, he was all apologies and promised to try to kick
Not until we were married did I realize the ser- iousness of it. I was terribly jealous and hurt.